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Two Aging Actresses Discuss Death

Two aging actresses and longtime friends, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, bantered about death in a recent magazine interview. Tomlin (born in 1939) recalled a time when she was four-years-old, visiting her grandmother in rural Kentucky. A little girl had died and they laid the body out in the house. "Everyone was oohing and aahing over her," said Tomlin. "Death didn't make sense to me then, and it doesn't make any more sense now."

Jane Fonda (Born 1937) had a very different reaction. "I feel the opposite," she said. "The past few years, I've made a real point of cozying up to death and making it a friend. That's what I always do with things that frighten me. … Death is inevitable, so why not make peace with it? I'm not scared of it at all."

Possible Preaching Angles: From a biblical viewpoint, neither actress has the whole story—although Tomlin may be closer to the truth. Death is an enemy. It's not our friend. But Christ has conquered this enemy.

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