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Online Ad Seeks "Generic Dad" for Barbecue Party

A Craiglist ad gained internet fame after a group of friends in their twenties posted a request for a "generic" dad to barbecue burgers and hot dogs at an outdoor party. The ad listed several "dad-like" activities as desirable, including "grilling hamburgers and hotdogs … refer[ing] to all attendees as 'Big Guy,' 'Chief,' 'Sport,' 'Champ,' etc." and "talk[ing] about dad things, like lawnmowers, building your own deck, Jimmy Buffet, etc." Additional requirements included a minimum of 18 years' experience as a father, 10 years' experience grilling, and a preferred name of Bill, Randy, or Dave. After the ad went viral, the group of organizers said that their new hope was to have Bill Murray respond to the ad.

Potential Preaching Angles: Our perfect heavenly Father is anything but "generic," and always stands ready to respond to the needs and desires of his children.

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