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Millennials Are Spending More on Coffee than Retirement Plans

If you've ever had to wait in a long line at your local Starbucks, you probably already know—millennials spend a lot of money on coffee. But it turns out many are spending more cash on caffeine than investing in their future. According to a reports from Acorns Money Matters, 41 percent of nearly 2,000 millennials—individuals born in the early 1980s through the early 2000s—surveyed admitted to spending more on their morning brew than contributing toward their retirement plan.

One millennial from Phoenix, Arizona put it this way:

I'm not putting money away because I'm not making money, so maybe that shift toward more people in school longer and going back to school is connected. We live in the moment maybe more than others, so that concept of thinking about the future or retirement isn't necessarily as big of a deal as it was in the past.

But it's not just coffee where millennials are making poor financial decisions. The survey says that just five percent of young millennials (ages 18-23) are investing at all. But on the flip side, 39 percent feel anxious about their financial future. According to the report, the average American spends approximately $1,100 a year, or $3 each day, on coffee.

Possible Preaching Angles: The point of the story is not a negative portrayal of millennials, but the fact that we all need a heavenly focus in our daily life. 1) Rewards; Self-denial; Christians should give serious thought to storing up treasures in heaven by giving up fleeting pleasures. 2) Inheritance; Security; Earthly savings are no guarantee of financial security due to these uncertain times, but anything entrusted to God is absolutely safe.

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