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Psychologist: Workers Are Less Productive with Christmas Music Playing

It's that time of year again—the "most wonderful time of the year"—when Christmas carols ring through shopping malls, department stores, and if you're (un)lucky enough, maybe even your own office building. However, rather than adding a necessary spring in the step of those overworked by the holiday season, psychologist Linda Blair says that the songs of the holidays likely detract from worker productivity. "People working in the shops at Christmas have to [tune out] Christmas music, because if they don't, it really does stop you from being able to focus on anything else," Blair said. "You're simply spending all of your energy trying not to hear what you're hearing."

Many workers are likely to agree heartily with that assessment; however, it likely won't change the perspective store owners hold on the matter. Combining the right sensory mix of music, colors, and scents has been proven to help shoppers feel more positively about shopping and, as the season dictates, spending money.

Potential Preaching Angles: The commercialization of the holiday season always makes it difficult to reach nonbelievers with the true message of Christmas. Though also true during the rest of the year, it is a good reminder that true gospel impact starts with the guidance of the Spirit and a genuine, intentional love for one's neighbor—not in our traditions.

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