Sermon Illustrations
Chicago Weatherman Goes Viral for Lovable Reaction to Solar Eclipse
In most people's minds, there are quite a few things more interesting than watching a weatherman on TV. One of them, apparently, is watching a weatherman watch the weather.
During a total solar eclipse that swept across the United States, footage of WGN Chicago's Tom Skilling was shared around the internet because of the 65-year-old meteorologist's endearing response.
"We've been told people start sobbing," reported Skilling during the minutes leading up to the eclipse, but then moments later—before the eclipse still—he found himself choked up and unable to continue. "I'll get my act together, guys," he said on camera.
During the event itself, his crew trained one camera on the moon, and one on Skilling as he repeated in awe over and over, "Look at that. Look at that. Wow." When asked about his emotional response, the meteorologist said he wasn't ashamed. "I'm kind of an emotional guy and it snuck up on me … I was overwhelmed by the enormity of it … it makes you realize we're a very, very small part of a huge universe."
Potential Preaching Angles: The majesty and wonder of God's creation can sometimes slip by without us noticing-but leave it to God to periodically place an eclipse on the calendar and put the glory of his creation on display in such grand fashion. While incredible cosmic events like an eclipse may make us realize how small we are, they should also remind us with wonder how big our God is.