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The Majesty of the Universe

On a YouTube video, astronomer Dr. Peter Edwards explains the majesty of the universe:

You will never, ever, get your head around how big the universe is. It is just enormous. There is no way, I think, that the human mind can comprehend the true immensity of the universe. We are happy with the size of an elephant, or the size of a tree, or maybe even the size of (a) cathedral. But if we go beyond that our brains just start to run out of gas.
We pointed the Hubble telescope at what…appeared to be a very ordinary patch of the night sky. If you imagine holding up your finger with a grain of sand on it and looking at the patch of sky that grain of sand blocks out, that's the field that the (Hubble) telescope zoomed in to.
What the telescope saw was incredible. There are 10,000 galaxies in a patch of sky the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length. If this tiny patch of sky is like every other, then we can calculate how many galaxies are out there.
The visible universe contains around 100 billion galaxies. Each one of those galaxies contains around about 100 billion stars. That means the visible universe contains something like 10,000 million million million stars. That means there are more stars in the visible universe than there are grains of sand on the earth.

Possible Preaching Angles: 1) God, power of - The universe is immense but God created it all just by speaking a word. 2) Human Worth (Psalm 8) - Our earth and its population is just a tiny remote speck in a vast universe but God loves us; 3) God, imminence of - God knows each one of us by name (John 10:3), he knows the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30), and he knows our words and deeds before we even act (Psalm 139). 4) Advent - God sent His Son to bridge the immense gap to bring us to himself.

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