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The Church May Need To Take a Few Notes from FedEx

In 2024 FedEx delivered over nine million packages to valued customers. FedEx’s delivery routes cover every U.S. street and service more than 220 countries. In order to send well, FedEx has over 430,000 employees, 675 aircraft, 80,900 ground transportation vehicles, and 2,000 office locations. It’s a bit mysterious, but somehow FedEx has figured out a way for customers to ship packages within a one day turnaround. If FedEx knows anything—they know how to send well!

The church may not be in the package delivery business, but she is in the people delivery business. At least that’s what Jesus wanted the church to be about! However, sending people isn’t always the top priority in churches and, if we are being honest, sometimes the church hasn’t done a good job sending out laborers for the Lord’s harvest.

FedEx has a unique way of looking at the world. FedEx operates with a deep conviction that everyone in the world should have the ability to send and receive packages. God may not be all too concerned about packages being delivered on time, but the scriptures make it clear that God desires all people to receive the message of salvation and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4). God operates with a deep conviction that everyone should have the ability to send and receive eternal hope! What is God’s distribution plan? Simply put—God’s people! This reality means the church may need to take a few notes from FedEx’s commitment to send well.

Editor’s Note: The stats were updated as of March 2025

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