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NFL's Tom Brady Driven by Total Commitment

Mark Schlereth played in the NFL for 12 seasons and is a football analyst for Fox Sports. During a panel discussion on Fox's "First Things First", the host asked him: "How remarkable is Tom Brady's run?"

It's incredible … [Brady is not] sated by success, I think that's the most impressive thing to me. To continue to … prepare, to continue to grind. [Brady's] quote is: "If you want to beat me you better be ready to lose your life because I've already given up mine."
[Brady's former backup quarterback] said the thing I learned most from Tom Brady is playing quarterback is not a job; it's a lifestyle. And you gotta be willing to commit your life to it. And to be able to commit your life, to playing the game the way he has played it, and to have that much passion for it, without ever been sated by it.
He wakes up, and it's all about what am I going to do today to be the best quarterback I can be for this organization. That means diet. That means exercise. That means hydration… And Sundays aren't the problem… Monday through Saturday that's the problem. You get to a point somewhere in your career: "I don't want to prepare anymore. If I could just show up on Sundays that would be great. But I don't want to go through the grind, the grind of preparing to get to Sunday." He still eats that grind for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed."

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