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Canine Cancer Prognosis Traced to Teddy Bear Romp

The signs weren't good for Maisy, an 8-year-old St. Bernard.

Her owner Jane Dickinson brought Maisy to the Paragon Veterinary Referrals Clinic, where a CT scan revealed several large masses in her stomach and spleen. When it was time for surgery to remove the presumably cancerous mass, surgeon Nick Blackburn was surprised to find instead the fluffy remains of several stuffed animals—four whole Teddy Bears, according to The Telegraph.

Blackburn spoke to the BBC News in typical British fashion. "It's fair to say this was not something we were expecting to find. We all know certain dogs enjoy chewing things they shouldn't but managing to devour four full teddy bears is quite a feat."

Dickinson, while obviously relieved, was still somewhat aghast about Maisy's ravenous plunder, especially since the Teddy Bears belonged to one of her other dogs.

"She will steal the Chihuahuas' toys and play with them, but I've never seen her trying to chew them. I didn't even recognize one of the toys—my brother also keeps Chihuahuas and it turns out it belonged to his dog."

After the surgery revealed no sign at all of cancer, Maisy received a full bill of health and "a new lease on life," according to Dickinson.

The Chihuahuas were unavailable for comment.

Potential Preaching Angle: Sin makes you sick, but repentance is how you can get better. Confession allows you to release the weight of sin sickness.

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