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God Will Bring Us Safely Through all Danger

San Francisco has its cable cars. Seattle has its Space Needle. And Longview, WA has its squirrel bridge called The Nutty Narrows Bridge. Spanning Olympia Way, is a local landmark.

The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in 1963 by a local builder, the late Amos Peters, to give squirrels a way to cross the busy thoroughfare without getting flattened by cars. Before the bridge was built, squirrels had to dodge traffic to and from the Park Plaza building where office staff put out a nutty feast for the squirrels. Many times, workers near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over. It didn't take long before squirrels started using the bridge. They even escort their young across, teaching them the ropes. In addition to the Nutty Narrows Bridge, four additional bridges have since been built, the most recent bridge was installed in May of 2015. The sixth bridge is in the works.

This safe squirrel-highway reminds us that God has promised a "Highway of Holiness" in Isaiah 35 for his covenant people: "No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beats come upon it … but the redeemed shall walk there. Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads." (vs. 9-10).

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