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How Do We Relax?

How do we relax? Mostly through the escapism offered by movies, TV, and the Internet. 41% enjoy superhero movies (Morning Consult). Almost all of us like to binge on TV, with 75% saying they routinely watch three or more episodes of a show in a single sitting (Deloitte). We also can’t stop bingeing on our smartphones. Only 17% said they could go a whole day without checking their device, 31% a few hours, and 8% an hour or less (YouGov). 88% regularly check their phone while on vacation. Some 50% admit to tripping over or bumping into things while on vacation because they were so absorbed in their phone. And more than 10 percent reported missing their vacation destination while traveling because they were focused on their phone screens (Asurion/OnePoll).

The Week, (December 21-28, 2018), p. 24

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