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How Looking at the Visible Helps Us to See the Invisible

Reflecting upon Paul’s words from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, author/pastor Matthew McCullough asks, “How do we see what is invisible more clearly than what’s so painfully visible?” As an answer, he offers the following:

Paul’s argument reminds me of a negative-space portrait, where what is there is meant to draw attention to what is not there. What is visible helps you see what is invisible. Think of the FedEx logo, where the space between the E and X creates an arrow pointing forward. Or think of the NBC logo, where the pads of color outline the body of the famous peacock. It’s like Paul is saying, you want to see what is not visible? Look at what is visible. Pay attention to where it stops short, runs out, dries up. Trace the limits of what you can see, the transient things always passing away, and there you will start to see the shape of the invisible glory still to come.

Matthew McCullough, Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope (Crossway, 2018), pages 153-154

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