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Woman Knits Suit with Plastic Grocery Bags

Rosa Ferrigno likes to show off her new suit, because being an enterprising sort, she knitted it herself. Notable, sure, but what elevates her achievement to legendary status is her choice of yarn--a hybrid makeshift made from over 300 plastic grocery store bags.

Specifically, the bags were from regional chain Wegman’s, about 140 for the skirt and 170 for the jacket. The strips of bag that she used as yarn required customized, large knitting needles which she whittled herself from wooden dowels that she purchased from a local craft store. All told, it took her about two months in total to knit the outfit, which also included a matching purse.

According to her daughter Fran Bertalli, Ferrigno was well known for her knitting skills, and had made “hundreds of thousands of clothes,” for family and friends. The Wegman’s suit arose from two earlier smaller projects, a red, white and blue purse made of JC Penney bags, and the aforementioned purse.

Possible Preaching Angles: God is an expert at recycling, because God takes something cast away and rejected and turns it into something special and beautiful. Those who were separated and isolated can instead be joined into the family of God's people.

Jamie Germano, “Woman Knits Stylish Suit From 300 Plastic Grocery Bags, ” HuffPost Weird News (3-21-19)

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