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40-Year-Old Doritos Bag Washes Ashore

A nearly 40-year-old Doritos bag washed ashore on to an Outer Banks beach in North Carolina. The bag that is believed to have been floating in the ocean for nearly 40 years, the National Park Service reported in a Facebook post.

“This bag was found last week ... on Harkers Island along with other storm debris,” read the post. “The bag design looked odd to us, but we couldn’t put our finger on why until we noticed the date in the lower corner—1979!”

The rangers noted in their post that the bag has been floating in the ocean for nearly 40 years, which highlights just how long plastics can remain in the environment. “This serves as a reminder that plastic trash lasts a long time, in this case almost 40 years!” the National Park Service said.

Possible Preaching Angle:

Although we might feel that what we have done in the past is past, the debris of sin is still present. We need to confess our sins to God and be fully cleansed of all unrighteousness.

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