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Don't Get Led Astray

An aggressive Google Maps driving direction led to dozens of drivers getting stuck in mud on the way to Denver International Airport. A large crash in Aurora, Colorado caused GPS applications like Google Maps to search for a quicker route to the airport.

Driver Connie Monsees told reporters that she and about 100 other drivers seemed to be following smartphone directions onto a dirt road. Unbeknownst to the mapping program—or the drivers—the private dirt road was impassible after recent heavy rainfall. Most of the motorists became stuck behind a few cars that had become bogged down in mud.

Monsees said, “My thought was, 'Well there are all these other cars in front of me so it must be OK.' So, I just continued.” Fortunately, those with all-wheel drive vehicles were able to get through. Monsees says she picked up a few stranded motorists and delivered them to the airport.

Denver 7 traffic anchor Jayson Luber believes people are becoming too dependent on smart phones and GPS apps instead of maps. He said, “You are driving. Google Maps is not driving. Google Maps is not perfect. You need to know where you are going and, if it does not look like that’s where you should be going, turn around and try again.”

Source: Meghan Lopez, “From detour to disaster: Google Maps got dozens of Colorado drivers in a mud mess on Sunday,” The Denver Channel.com (6-24-19)

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