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Trucker Guides Couple Through Severe Rain Storm

In a post on Facebook, Emily Clarke wrote that she and her husband “encountered one of the most severe storms” while driving through North Queensland, Australia, saying that a truck driver helped them safely through it:

The water was lapping both sides of the highway and in some parts, it was over the road. We noticed a (semi-trailer) truck moving over to the left ahead of us. I asked (my husband), do you think he is pushing the excess water off the road for us? It was so bad that I could see only his brake lights at one point. It was unsafe to stop so I tucked in behind the truck and he guided me, braking frequently and putting his indicator on the side that there was an upcoming hazard.

She said she had a sick feeling that if they stopped on the road, even to let her husband drive, they would be in more danger, so they followed the truck until he turned off at a pub just before Mackay. She wrote:

My husband got out of the car and met him as he got out of his truck to thank him. His name is Footie and he is from Melbourne, and just so humble. We thanked him from the bottom of our hearts for helping keep us safe.

Footie told us, “I could see more than you, and if you were my family, I would only hope that another truck driver would do that for you.”

Possible Preaching Angles:

Christ is our guide through the dark and dangerous valleys of life (Ps 23:4). He knows the way because he has been there before us. He clears a path for our safe journey, as Heb. 12:2 literally says “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer/trailblazer and perfecter of our faith.”

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