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Being Guided Through Prayer

In the book The Cross and the Switchblade, Pastor David Wilkerson mentions the time he was going through a period of restlessness in his spirit. Although his ministry was bringing good results, Wilkerson called this period a time of “spiritual discontent.”

He therefore made a decision to give up the two hours he spent watching television daily before bedtime, replacing it with prayer. As a result of that decision, Pastor Wilkerson decided to sell his television and devoted the two hours daily for prayer.

Initially, after struggling somewhat through the two hours of daily prayer, he began to gradually feel blessed by this time spent with the Lord. One evening, during the prayer time, Pastor Wilkerson was strongly led to open a copy of a LIFE magazine on his desk. As he did so, his eyes fell upon a story of seven teenage boys, (particularly the despairing eyes of one boy), who were facing trial for murder in New York City.

The Lord then prompted him strongly to travel to New York immediately to help the teenage boys. After some hesitation, in faith and obedience he stepped into an unknown future that turned out to be the beginning of a powerful ministry of bringing the gospel to troubled teenagers.

Possible Preaching Angle:

Over the years, the work of the ministry Teen Challenge has ministered effectively to thousands of youth in need of God's saving grace. The journey began however, through clear guidance received during a time of committed prayer. God can give us guidance and help too in prayer.


David Wilkerson, The Cross and the Switchblade, (Berkley reprint, 1986), pp. 7-14

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