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‘Adolf Hitler’ Wins Election in Namibia

The South West Africa People’s Organization party (SWAPO) made headlines when their candidate was elected to parliament. That a SWAPO candidate won was not news, as the party’s had a stronghold in the area for years. What caught everyone’s attention was his name; Adolf Uunona, whose legal name includes the middle name “Hitler.”

Uunona said in an interview, “As a child I saw it as a totally normal name.” Given Germany’s colonial influence, the name Adolf is not uncommon in the region. Still, he’s uncertain why his father included the infamous Hitler name as a middle name. Uunona said, “I didn't have a choice. I don't know what was going on. I was a baby when my father gave me that name. It wasn’t until I was growing up that I realized this man wanted to subjugate the whole world. I have nothing to do with any of these things.”

Aram Martin, councilor for a neighboring constituency, said Uunona is a good person who possesses a good character. “He is a good person. He is a very hard-working person with a rare personality.” Uunona has worked hard to disassociate himself from the notoriety of his namesake. Still, the responses from social media indicate a wary, cynical public response. Uunona said, “I’m not striving for world domination.” A Twitter user responded, “This seems like the sort of thing Adolf Hitler would say.”

Possible Preaching Angle:

Though names are important because they convey a sense of character, we are not chained to the reputations or heritage of our family names. All who have accepted the gift of salvation have access to the glory and authority conferred to Jesus, the name above all names.

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