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Children’s Author Connects with Each Child

Norman Bridwell created the highly successful children’s book series, Clifford the Big Red Dog. Throughout his lifetime he displayed an amazing amount of care and kindness to his readers.

Through fan mail, Norman has made many unique connections to his readers. He says, “I always try to answer each fan letter. If a child cares enough to write, they deserve a reply.” Norman’s maintained decades-long correspondence with some children (now adults, of course). He’s been contacted by adults who tell him about the meaningful letters they received from him when they were children. Norman even dedicated a book to one fan that he’d never met. He said, “He struck me as being very special. His mother later wrote and told me that the dedication made him feel like a star.”

Possible Preaching Angle:

Norman made the children who wrote him feel loved and special. God calls all who trust in Jesus children of God. This can be an encouragement to slow down and pay attention to each person and care for them.

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