Sermon Illustrations
Reduced Health Risks for Regular Church Attenders
Something about the communal religious experience seems to matter. Something powerful takes place there that enhances health and well-being; and it is very different than what comes from solitary spirituality.
Recent research has shown a reduced health risk for regular church attenders versus never-attenders:
29% reduced risk of depression
33% reduced risk of death
33% reduced risk of adolescent illegal drug use
50% reduced risk of divorce
84% reduced risk of suicide
This research should challenge the growing number of Americans who self-identify as “spiritual but not religious,” to consider whether their own spiritual journeys might be better undertaken in a community of like-minded seekers and under the discipline of a tried and tested tradition of belief and practice.
Research suggests that those who neglect to meet together (Heb. 10:25) likely miss something of the religious experience that is powerful, both for health and for much else as well. The data is clear: Going to church remains central to true human flourishing.