Sermon Illustrations
The Memories of Monuments
There was no archaeological evidence for the existence of the biblical King David. That is, until 1993, when surveyor Gila Cook noticed a basalt stone inscription by an Aramaic-speaking king celebrating a military victory over “the House of David.”
To date, archaeological evidence has confirmed the historical existence of about 50 Old Testament figures, most of them kings. Archaeologists have also found records of a few other names, such as Balaam, which may or may not be the biblical prophet of the same name.
Biblical people named in the archaeological record:
Foreign kings: 26
Israelite kings: 8
Judean kings: 6
Israelite priests: 3
Israelite scribes: 1
Possible Preaching Angle:
Once again, archaeology confirms that the Bible record is true and accurate and it has a historical framework. “All your words are true” (Ps. 119:160).