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One Key to Stopping Abortion Is Men Stepping Up as Fathers

Roland Warren has led the National Fatherhood Initiative for 11 years. In 2012 he became president and CEO of Care Net, the nation’s largest network of pregnancy resource centers. Roland contends that one of the keys to stopping abortion involves getting men to step up as fathers. Roland says,

If I were to have a heart attack at this moment, the most important person is the first responder whose action affects the life trajectory of the person in a crisis. With pregnancy, the guy is typically the first responder. We did a national survey of women who had had abortions and asked them who they talked with about it. The No. 1 person—ahead of medical professionals, abortion providers, pregnancy centers, their mother, their best friend, their father, anybody—was the guy who got her pregnant. He’s the first responder and the most influential person in her decision to abort.

Roe v. Wade delinked fatherhood and motherhood. When we talk to clients, the mother often says, “I can’t give birth to this child.” She understands she’s already a mother: Her body is changing. Often when we talk to the men, they say, “I don’t want to be a father.” [But] he already is a father. The question on the table is “What kind of father will you be?”


Marvin Olasky, “Love Them All,” World Magazine (12-10-20)

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