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Film Stars Who Don’t Know Who They Are

A 2019 interview focusing on the acclaimed British actress Emma Thompson’s 60th birthday was titled “Emma Thompson Gets a Shock at 60.” The article’s author stated,

If anyone did not expect to have a midlife crisis, it was Emma Thompson. Being quite sure about things has been central organizing principle of her life. It has informed most every character she has played … All her life, she knew who she was. Now the roles she has embraced—mother, wife, performer—have her asking, “Am I any of those things? And if I’m not, who am I?”

Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner, despite having a stellar career and a celebrity husband, also struggles with identity. At the age of 23 she confessed, “I don’t actually know who I am.”

And then there’s the fictional character played by the actor Matt Damon in the Bourne movie series. Jason Bourne is a riddle to himself, saying, “I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for half a mile before my hands start shaking. How can I know that and not know who I am?”

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