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Sermon Illustrations

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What Does Your State Do Best?

This 2024 report claims that "every state is number one in something." For instance, did you know that:

  • Colorado tops the list as the most physically active state.
  • Idaho ranks as the number one state for home ownership thanks to affordability.
  • Kansas has the least number of poor roadways with less than 1% of roads considered unserviceable.
  • Louisiana has the highest number of unmarried adults and thus is the best dating state.
  • Michigan has the most golf courses and country clubs per capita.
  • When it comes to high school graduations, Nebraska leads with an incredible 93.7% of students graduating.
  • Pennsylvania has the most licensed hunters per capita, with 20 hunters per square mile.
  • You can binge watch your favorite shows much faster in Tennessee, with internet speeds 50 times quicker than the national average.

You can see the results, best and worst for all 50 states here.

Possible Preaching Angle:

This a fun way to set up a sermon on church vision (“our church's greatest strengths”) or spiritual gifts.

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