Sermon Illustrations about Acceptance
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Acceptance to help bring your sermon to life.
No Ideal Church
Anyone can love the ideal church. The challenge is to love the real church.
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The Nicest Garbage Man
We have the nicest garbage man.
He empties out our garbage can.
He's just as nice as he can be.
He always stops and talks to me.
My mother doesn't ...
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Equal Opportunity Savior
There's a wonderful story about a Chicago bank that once asked for a letter of recommendation on a young Bostonian being considered for employment. ...
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Where Home Is
Home is the place where,
When you have to go there,
They have to take you in.
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Christians Become Exclusive
The longer people have been Christians, the longer they've been on the inside, the easier it is to become exclusive.
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Individuals in God's Image
God does not make clones; each person is different, a tribute to God's creativity. If we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, we must accept people ...
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Emotional Needs Come First
Meeting the emotional needs of people comes first. They want to know, "Do you like me?" and "Can I find a place here?"
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The Wrong Blessing?
Tell me if you think [this] a vain subtlety. I am beginning to feel that we need a preliminary act of submission not only towards possible future afflictions ...
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