Sermon Illustrations about Accepting Christ
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Accepting Christ to help bring your sermon to life.
The Next Billy Graham Might Be Drunk
Speaking about the power of Christ to redeem sinners and build his church, Russell Moore wrote:
The next Billy Graham might be drunk right now. The next ...
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The Paralysis of Indecision
To illustrate the paralysis of indecision, international speaker Michael Ramsden tells the story of three turtles who went off to a picnic. One turtle ...
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The Right Question for Following Christ
I've heard people say, "I'm checking out Christianity, but I also understand Christians can't do this and the Bible says you're supposed ...
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Rock Climbers Learn to 'Get on the Wall
Todd Skinner was one of the most respected rock climbers of his generation, but his greatest challenge was tackling Trango Tower, the world's highest ...
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People Resist Exiting Dangerous Fires
Psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Grosz points to research that shows we usually don't respond when a fire alarm rings. Instead, of leaving the building immediately, ...
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Killing Patients to Save Them?
A recent article from the BBC opens with a line that sounds like it could be from a sci-fi flick: "'When you are at 10C [50 degrees Fahrenheit], ...
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Riding the First Elevators Required Act of Faith
You have undoubtedly been on an elevator that bears his name. Otis elevators have been the industry standard for more than 150 years. While Elisha Otis ...
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Atheist Student Moved to Faith by Friends' Prayers
Putti Sok told her Christian college friends, "Leave me alone and quit praying for me." Putti described herself as a "Cambodian Buddhist girl," even though ...
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Student Bluffs His Way onto Basketball Team Staff
Virginia college sophomore Danny Foley just wanted to be part of his school's men's basketball team—even if that meant faking his way onto ...
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Bill Gates Answers "Do You Believe in God?"
In a recent Rolling Stone interview, the richest man in the world, Bill Gates was asked "Do you believe in God?" Gates said that he believes ...
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