Sermon Illustrations about Accountability
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Accountability to help bring your sermon to life.
John Knox Pleads Guilty
Fiery reformer John Knox was keenly aware of his own shortcomings:
Although I never lack the presence and plain image of my own wretched infirmity, yet ...
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Recovering Hypocrite
Accountability to me is unnatural. My tendency is to only let you know enough about me to give you a good impression. I am a recovering hypocrite.
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Still a Sinner
There is something terribly right about ... realizing that our struggle with sin is in many ways similar to an alcoholic's struggle with drinking. ...
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Busyness Prevention
I have asked three close friends to monitor me and tell me when I am allowing busyness to crowd out fellowship with God.
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Accountability as Safeguard
Accountability to another is the only way to safeguard against poor judgment, unconscious motivations, and self-deception.
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