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Sermon Illustrations about Addiction

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Addiction to help bring your sermon to life.

Former Alcoholic Donates His First Paycheck to God

Craig C. had been an alcoholic for more than a dozen years. He'd lost everything he had, including his wife and son, due to his selfishness and addiction. ...

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Researchers Find that Multitaskers Perform Poorly

So you think you can multitask? Texting while driving? No problem. Watching television and reading the Bible? No problem. Checking your email while listening ...

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Pornography a "Quiet Family Killer"

In December of 2009, the Family Research Council released the results of a new study exploring the effects of pornography on marriage, children, and individuals. ...

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The Terrible Price of Sin

In his book Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar sums up well the terrible price of sin:

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Keep you longer ...

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Combating Pornography by Deepening Holiness Pathways

In his book “Wired for Intimacy,” William M. Struthers writes:

When I was young, I visited a farm that had an old-fashioned water pump. It ...

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What Tempts Men and Women

A survey of 3,000 U.S. adults identifies the differences and similarities between what men and women say tempts them the most:

Sex: Men (50 percent), Women ...

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The Conversion of NFL Broadcaster Pat Summerall

For 45 years, Pat Summerall's voice and face spelled football. He anchored CBS and FOX's NFL telecasts (often alongside John Madden) and broadcast ...

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How One Small Squirrel Is Causing Big Problems in England

Across northern England and Scotland, a do-or-die battle is being waged against an aggressive invader: the American gray squirrel.

Researchers have discovered ...

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Mother of Addict Discovers She's an Addict, Too

[My daughter], Allison,* came home for the weekend. She opened the door, didn't speak, and dropped her duffel bag. Smudges of mascara circled her ...

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Seven More Deadly Sins

We're all probably familiar with the Roman Catholic Church's list of seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, and sloth. ...

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