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Sermon Illustrations about Addiction

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Addiction to help bring your sermon to life.

Doctor Notes Rise in 'Selfie Wrist' Cases

It's a sign of the times--and maybe a sign of our culture. People are taking so many selfies, they're getting "Selfie Wrist." Tina Choi, ...

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Humanity Spent Four Billion Hours Watching Porn in One Year

We spend four billion hours a year watching porn. Sorry. I've just understated the problem. We dedicated well over four and a half billion hours to ...

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Man Blames Drunken Accident on Losing Football Team

Officers filed charges of driving while intoxicated against Christopher Greyshock, a resident of West Milford, after his rear-end collision into another ...

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The Sovereign Delusion of Lust

Pastor and author Paul David Tripp uses the following scenario to describe what's really going on every time a man chooses to lust (or anytime anyone ...

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We're a Nation of Porn Addicts

In just one year (2016) we dedicated well over four and a half billion hours to watching porn on one porn site. On that single website humanity spent ...

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Rehab Focus Creates Redemption for Airline Pilots

CBS News reports that since its inception in the 1970s, the Human Intervention Motivation Study has given second chances to thousands of men and women ...

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Lamppost Airbags Protect 'Smartphone Zombies'

The city of Salzburg in Austria is implementing some creative measures to protect public safety from oblivious pedestrians staring at their smartphones. ...

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In the Time Spent on Social Media You Could Read 200 Books

In an article on Quartz, author Charles Chu claims, "In the time you spend on social media each year, you could read 200 books." Here's ...

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Teens Cling to Destructive Social Media

In her book American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers, researcher Mary Jo Sales reports a conversation with a teenage girl at a mall ...

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Video Gamers Looking For Meaning, Order and Certainty

The numbers for the $101 billion (2024) video game industry are astonishing:

  • 190 million Americans play video games.
  • 61% of the US population plays a video game at least one hour a week.

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