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Sermon Illustrations about Adoration

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adoration to help bring your sermon to life.

Young Adults' Prayers Lack Repentance and Praise

Researcher Christian Smith's book, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers, concludes that many young American adults ...

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An Awe-Inspired Life

Remember those times when you have gazed at a wonderful painting, hear beautiful music, or see the beautiful colors of a sunset? You know that feeling, ...

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Broken People Praying to a Broken Buddha

Pastor/author J.R. Vassar writes about ministering in Myanmar (Burma) and coming upon a broken Buddha:

One day we were prayer walking through a large Buddhist ...

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Worshipping God: Duty or Delight?

In a TV commercial a young man is struggling with whether to go through with an arranged marriage. In his home country arranged marriages were the norm. ...

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The Fog of Unbelief Blocks God's Beauty

Yosemite Valley in California is one of the most beautiful places on earth. To get there you go through a tunnel which opens to an awesome view of the ...

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Actress Shares Her View of God's "Insecurity"

Julia Sweeney is an actress and writer best known for her four-year run on Saturday Night Live and her solo shows. Her piece, Letting Go of God, she raises ...

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Praise God with Your 23,000 Breaths per Day

You take approximately 23,000 breaths every day, but when was the last time you thanked God for one of them? The process of inhaling oxygen and exhaling ...

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Creation Surrounds Us with Beautiful Music

Research in the field of bioacoustics has revealed that every day we are surrounded by millions of ultrasonic songs. Did you know, for instance, that ...

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God Is the Most Joyous Being in the Universe

The Christian philosopher Dallas Willard wrote that God is "the most joyous being in the universe." Willard illustrated with the following story: ...

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An Illustration That Changed Tim Keller's Life

Manhattan, New York, pastor Tim Keller once said that in 1970 a Sunday school teacher changed his life with a simple illustration.

The teacher said, "Let's ...

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