Sermon Illustrations about Adultery
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adultery to help bring your sermon to life.
"Diary of a Mad Black Woman": Our Need to Forgive
As the wife of a wealthy attorney, Helen lives in a mansion, wears designer clothes, and eats at the best restaurants. Her life seems ideal, until she ...
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Will Smith's Immoral Marriage Advice
In the movie Hitch, Will Smith plays a guy who wins fame as a relationship expert. In real life, Will is married to actress Jada Pinkett Smith. His philosophy ...
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Alcoholics Anonymous Founder Lived a Lie
Bill Wilson was the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. For that accomplishment, Time magazine named Wilson one of the Top 100 People of the 20th century. ...
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Happy Marriages Don't Guarantee Fidelity
New research has uncovered truths about adultery that are unnerving—and none more so than the link between "happy marriages" and affairs. ...
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Katharine Hepburn on the Afterlife
Hollywood great Katharine Hepburn died on June 29, 2003, at the age of 96 and was eulogized as a one-of-a-kind actress. She won four Academy Awards, but ...
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The Early Church's Take on Sex
Not a single church father can be found who did not assume that Christians should remain chaste before marriage.
In the early second century, the Roman ...
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What Christian Adulterers Have in Common
In his book Finishing Strong, author Steve Farrar tells of a study conducted by Dr. Howard Hendricks of 246 men in full-time ministry:
"Professor ...
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An African Proverb on Doublemindedness
"The man who tries to walk two roads will split his pants."
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Wife Forgives Unfaithful Husband
Randy Frazee, pastor of Pantego Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas, shared this story:
I remember seeing a picture of a husband and wife in a gentleman's ...
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Sin Entails Consequences Despite Grace
A young man called a pastor late at night and asked if he would meet with him the next morning. They made arrangements to have breakfast at a nearby restaurant. ...
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