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Sermon Illustrations about Adventure

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adventure to help bring your sermon to life.

The Beauty of Rescue Stories

In August 1914, a British scientist and explorer set out from England with a crew of 28 men, intent on accomplishing a spectacular goal: crossing the ...

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William Shatner Mourns His Trip into Space

In William Shatner’s new book, Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder, the Star Trek actor reflects on his voyage into space on Jeff ...

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Brazilian Child Sneaks onto Plane

Every parent has to keep an eye on their children, but some children are more determined than others to get into mischief. Still, Brazilian mom Daniele ...

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Man Dedicates Life to Search for Loch Ness Monster

The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is one that has both intrigued and disappointed thousands over the past century. One man, however, has remained a ...

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God Made Us for Exploration and Adventure

An issue of Outside magazine had a short article about Reid Stowe, a 58 year-old sailor who at the time was en route to setting the record for the longest ...

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Cupcake the Cat's Excellent Adventure

Have you ever experienced that awkward moment when you seal up a package and drop it in the mail … and you don't know your cat's inside. ...

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Unscripted Scene in Tom Hanks Film

Six-time Oscar nominated film Captain Phillips received widespread acclaim, but surprisingly the film's powerful final scene was improvised on set ...

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First Solo Female Pilot to Circumnavigate the Globe

Jerry Mock was the first solo female pilot to circumnavigate the globe. In the early 1960s the 38-year-old homemaker off-handedly told her husband that ...

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Adventure with God

The great offer of the gospel is adventure. We're God's representatives.

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No Surprises

Remember Holiday Inn's ad a few years back? "The best surprise is no surprise at all." It was their promise that if you visit some new place, ...

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