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Sermon Illustrations about Affection

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Affection to help bring your sermon to life.

The Deal-Sealing Moment for Happy Couples

Every real-life love story has a beginning of how they met, but the important part is when you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest ...

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Airport Limits Time for Goodbye Hugs

Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time ...

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Common Reasons People Get Married

Forbes Advisor commissioned a survey of 1,000 Americans who are divorced or who are in the process of divorcing to discover why marriages fail. A total ...

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Want a Happier Marriage? Do This

According to a new study, the secret to a longer, happier marriage may lie in couples consolidating their finances. Researchers found that married couples ...

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To Be Happy, Marriage Matters More than Career

New York Times columnist David Brooks writes:

When I’m around young adults I like to ask them how they are thinking about the big commitments in ...

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How Do You Measure Love?

In the fall of 1937, Ed Keefer was a senior in the school of engineering at the University of Toledo in Ohio. Tall, slender, and bespectacled, Keefer ...

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Couples Fell Back in Love on Vacation

Forty-two percent of Americans have fallen back in love with a partner after going on vacation together. A survey of 2,000 adults looked at the magic ...

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Man Has an Emotional Support Gator

Joie Henney has an unusual emotional support animal. Whereas others might find comfort and solace in dogs or cats, Henney’s companion is WallyGator, ...

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The Stories Behind the Heart Emoji

In 1977 the heart icon became a verb. The “I❤️NY” Logo was created to boost morale for a city that was in severe crisis. Trash piled up on ...

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Nurse Shares What People Say Before Dying

Julie, a registered nurse from Los Angeles, California, has worked in a hospice and ICU for around 14 years. She has been using her expertise and knowledge ...

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