Sermon Illustrations about Affluence
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In a series of articles on the nature of greed, Christian blogger Ted Scofield writes:
When I ask people "What is greed?" typically the first ...
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If Your House Were Burning, What Would You Grab?
If your house was burning, what would you grab on your way out the door? That question intrigued photographer Foster Huntington, so he gathered his must-save ...
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Muslim Man Considers the Cost of Following Christ
Haddon Robbinson writes:
Several years ago, I helped lead a tour in Turkey of the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. On the last night, we ...
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Rejoicing in a Haitian Tent Camp Teaches Us About Faith
Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision, reflected on his visit to a church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti nearly a year after the devastating earthquake. ...
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Pampered Puppy
Ronald Warwick, captain of the luxury cruise ship Queen Elizabeth II, questioned a passenger who paid full fare for his dog to join them on an around-the-world ...
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The Love of Money ...
We have created an affluence that has permeated every working sector of the United States. [On the strength of that security,] we have been able to sweep ...
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Great Expectations
Lech Walesa made the observation that "Americans are drifting away from spiritual values as they become richer." He said that "sooner or ...
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