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Sermon Illustrations about Age

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Age to help bring your sermon to life.

Walt Disney Had an Obsessive Fear of Death

In the year 1909, seven-year-old Walt Disney was playing by himself in the backyard of his family's farmhouse. He decided to sneak up on a big brown ...

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Gen Z Has Profound Anxiety About Aging

Anxiety around aging may be universal, but recently some members of Gen Z have been voicing acute distress. A few widely circulated social media posts ...

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Expert Says Few Will Live to 100

The longevity business is booming. People are flocking to longevity meetings and taking compounds they hope will extend their lives. Investors are backing ...

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The Secret to a Younger You

In 1979 Dr. Ellen Langer, a Psychology Professor at Harvard, designed a weeklong experiment for a group of 75-year-old men. The men knew very little about ...

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‘Father, Don’t Let Me Fall’

Trinity Evangelical Divinty School professor Kevin Vanhoozer writes about caring for his aging mother in an issue of CT magazine:

For nine years now, I ...

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Famous Singer Can’t Stop Proving His Worth

David Crosby, the lead singer for Crosby, Stills and Nash., became one of the most successful rock musicians of all time. But even at nearly 80 years ...

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Shock-Jock Struggles with Mortality

On a recent episode of The Howard Stern Show, the “shock-jock” host asked his guest, music legend Paul Simon, questions about music, life, ...

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Best Solution for Dark Circles Under Eyes

An article in The New York Times explored the following scenario. Perhaps this routine sounds familiar: You wake up, look in the mirror and scrutinize ...

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Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus Reflects on Death

Actress and former Seinfeld star (as Elaine) Julia Louis-Dreyfus has had moments when tragedy and comedy get put in a blender. Monday, September 18, 2017, ...

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How John Stott Learned Total Dependence on God

Pastor John Yates III once worked for the British scholar and Bible teacher John Stott. Yates reflected on the time when Stott’s aging and disability ...

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