Sermon Illustrations about Age
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Age to help bring your sermon to life.
Teens Volunteer to Serve Those Who Die Alone
NPR reported on a man named Mike Pojman, the assistant headmaster and senior adviser of Roxbury Latin Boys' School. Pojman was inspired by a program ...
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Religion … the Fountain of Youth?
A BBC article profiles a Seventh Day Adventist community in Loma Linda, California, where aged residents live an average of ten years longer than the ...
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Actress Laments Our 'Fixation on Youth'
In a New York Times article, actress Frances McDormand spoke out against what she called Hollywood's and America's "perverse fixation on ...
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Plight of Older Shelter Dogs Shows Our Fear of Aging
An article published by the Los Angeles Times highlights the difficult situation of many older dogs in animal shelters—few new pet owners are willing ...
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Famous Actress on the Pain of Aging
Kristin Scott Thomas, the British-born actress who was nominated for an Oscar (The English Patient), talked about the pressure of growing older in a culture ...
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Colorado Festival Tries to Mock Death
How do people in our culture deal with the reality of death? One way is to mock death, as though somehow by thumbing our nose at it, we can prevent it ...
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Woody Allen Reflects on Old Age and Death
A 2012 interview with the actor and film director Woody Allen states that "Allen has been confronting the horror of mortality … since he was ...
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Billy and Ruth Graham in Old Age
In August of 2006, Newsweek magazine profiled the lives of Ruth and Billy Graham—not their historic evangelistic crusades and international impact, ...
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The Memory of Love
Roger Zerbe suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease. His wife, Becky, remembers a journal entry he left for her after a particularly troubling ...
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How to Know When You Are Getting Old
Author and pastor Greg Laurie offers the following advice about determining whether or not you are growing old:
• You know you're getting old ...
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