Sermon Illustrations about Ageing
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Ageing to help bring your sermon to life.
Keep Making a Little Progress
Follow with me a 90-year-old man bent with the weight of his years; slow of step, with stooped and rounded shoulders. It is early morning, and he's ...
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Every Day a Celebration
Passing by a table in a local restaurant, I noticed a gentleman who was to be celebrating his 100th birthday the following week, eating with some of his ...
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Herm Haakenson: Fisher of Men
Herm Haakenson: A salmon fisherman and "fisher of men"
During salmon season, he is permitted only one catch a week from his commercial fishing ...
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Dealing with Old Age
When you get old, everyone starts to think you're incompetent. You can't let folks assume you're nothing but a helpless old fool. But you ...
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Hidden Truth
It is the meaning that men attribute to their life, it is their entire system of values that define the meaning and the value of old age. The reverse ...
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Ministry in Chapters
Ministry is done in chapters, and wise is the minister who knows his page number.
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Hold onto Ideals
People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul. Worry, self-doubt, self-distrust, ...
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In Religious Ruts
Think about people who find themselves in religious ruts. They discover a number of things about themselves. They will find that they are getting older ...
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Theology of Death
Death is a theological issue. Indeed, for most people, it is the theological issue.
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Message from on High
Each fall I look forward to the call of wild geese, marking the approach of autumn. When I heard the faint, eerie, unmistakable sound once again, I leapt ...
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