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Sermon Illustrations about Agnosticism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Agnosticism to help bring your sermon to life.

The End of Reason in Society

Author Meghan O'Gieblyn, explores meaning, morality, and faith. She recalls the role of thinking and reason during her days at Bible College:

When ...

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Science Classes Redesigned to Teach Evolution

Researchers calculate that about 530,000 fewer public school students are learning about intelligent design in 9th or 10th grade biology classes today, ...

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Nearly Half of Millennials 'Don't Know, Care, Or Believe' In God

The latest survey (2021) from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center found that belief in God has declined between generations:

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What Ants Taught Becky Pippert

When Rebecca Pippert was an agnostic, she had one question she continually wrestled with: How can finite limited human beings ever claim to know God? ...

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Dolly Parton on Faith and the Afterlife

On the final episode of the podcast Dolly Parton’s America, Dolly offered various responses to the question: “What is the theology of Dolly ...

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Doctor Shares His Journey to Faith Treating End of Life Patients

A recent article in The Atlantic states that as a medical student Dr. Francis Collins found himself moving from agnostic to atheist. Collins said, “I ...

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Two NFL Players are a Contrast in Doubt and Faith

Aaron Rodgers, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, was raised in an evangelical Christian household. Soon after winning the Super Bowl in 2011, Rodgers ...

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Harvard Professor Worries 'Is Life Cosmically Irrelevant?'

Harvard professor James Wood, in a New Yorker article "Is That All There Is?" tells of a friend, a philosopher and a convinced atheist, who sometimes ...

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Jim Carey can't Stop Thinking About Jesus

In a recent interview, actor Jim Carey was asked about his views of Jesus. Carey struggles with believing in the deity of Jesus but he still can't ...

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'Don't Believe in God? Many Try U.F.O.s'

Are Americans becoming less religious? It depends on what you mean by "religious." According to an article in the New York Times, there's plenty of evidence ...

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