Sermon Illustrations about Anger
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anger to help bring your sermon to life.
Is God Good?
Douglas Burford, a pastor in Mission, Kansas, writes:
His name was David. He was homeless and in his 40s, though his face suggested even more years of ...
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Obedience: Majoring in Minors, Too
Sometimes we excuse relatively minor flaws in people, especially if they have done something extraordinary for God. But God doesn't just want extraordinary ...
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Bitterness Kills
Bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
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Overlooking Wrongs
If you do not wish to become angry, do not be curious. If you ask what is being said about yourself and uncover unpleasant words (even though these words ...
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Submission Won't Stop Abuse
Christianity Today did an extensive study of battered Christian woman, and they found that two-thirds of these women believe that it was their Christian ...
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Forgiving Actions
The following story is from an article titled "Your Daffodils are Pretty," (Christianity Today, March 2, 1979, p. 18), in which Josephine Ligon ...
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Brotherly Strife
Augustus Toplady, who wrote the famous hymn "Rock of Ages," called John Wesley a "tadpole in divinity." Wesley in turn called Toplady ...
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But for the Grace of God...
As murder story writers assume, and as most of us learn in experience, we have in us capacities for fury, fear, envy, greed, conceit, callousness, and ...
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Battered Wives in the Church
While Christian marriages have been shown to have a lower incidence of abuse, the tragic truth is that wife battering occurs in Christian homes as well. ...
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