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Sermon Illustrations about Anxiety

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anxiety to help bring your sermon to life.

The Spike in Google Searches for Hope

For the past five years, one of the most searched terms on Google has been “hope.” It has outpaced searches for political upheavals, technological ...

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Gen Z Has Profound Anxiety About Aging

Anxiety around aging may be universal, but recently some members of Gen Z have been voicing acute distress. A few widely circulated social media posts ...

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Building Walls to Avoid Hurt

A surefire way to never get hurt: Imagine a life free from heartache and disappointment, a world where you are impervious to the pain that comes with ...

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Anxiety Keeps 25% of Children Up at Night

For parents of young children, few things are as precious as a good night’s sleep—both for their child and for themselves. Yet many parents ...

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And the Verse of the Year Goes To…

Every year, YouVersion announces which Bible verses are the most shared, bookmarked, and highlighted by its users. The list often includes the classics ...

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The World of Replacement Alcohol

While booze has, for thousands of years now, been the most socially acceptable form of self-medication, its many health detriments have pushed some to ...

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Snapchat Lets Users See How They Rank with Friends

A Snapchat feature lets paying users see their position in their friends’ digital orbits. For some teens, whose friends are everything, it’s ...

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Pet Rocks Offer “Comfort” to Overworked Young Adults

Lee So-hee, a 30-year-old office worker, used to live alone in Seoul. That changed in November when a friend gave her a rock. “If you really think ...

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Secret Power of the 8 Minute Phone Call

In a world where genuine connections seem elusive, Jancee Dunn, in her heartfelt piece for The New York Times, suggests that perhaps the key to meaningful ...

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Gen Z's World Is an Alternate Tech Reality

In his book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing An Epidemic of Mental Illness, Jonathan Haidt tells the story of what ...

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