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Sermon Illustrations about Appearance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appearance to help bring your sermon to life.

Sinkhole Opens Amid Soccer Field

In a southern Illinois town, an unfortunate incident resulted in a public park complex being indefinitely closed to the public. Unlike in many other areas ...

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‘Beauty’ Brings Special Privileges

Beauty has its privileges. Studies reliably show that the most physically attractive among us tend to get more attention from parents, better grades in ...

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Vision of Our 'Future Self' Changes the Present

A psychologist at New York University wondered if young adults were not saving money for the future because they felt like they were putting it away for ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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Beauty's Inexhaustible Shame Machine

Author Cathy O'Neal's The Shame Machine, delves into the numerous ways that corporations, governments, and much of the media have weaponized and ...

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Man Discovers 1930s Trove of Money in His Driveway

Rich Gilson and his wife, Suzanne, purchased a house in Wildwood, New Jersey, about four years ago, and they have been working on additions and renovations ...

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Woman Ran onto the Super Bowl Field for Fame

Kelly Kay Green wanted to be someone. So, she donned a specially made dress, chugged a Coors Light for courage, and ran onto the field at the Super Bowl ...

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Man Gets Tattoo of Toned Abs

Dean Gunther is a tattoo artist currently residing in Manchester, England. And when a recent client came to him with a bold idea, he was so stoked about ...

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Actress Takes Social Media Break to Control Her Ego

In a recent issue of Women's Health, actress Lauren Cohan (Maggie Greene on The Walking Dead) explains how she discovered a way to avoid the comparison ...

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Umpire ‘Ejects’ Grounds Crew During MLB Game

In Major League Baseball, it’s common for umpires to eject players or team personnel whose behavior is deemed out of line. But rarely does those ...

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