Sermon Illustrations about Armageddon
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Armageddon to help bring your sermon to life.
The Key to Winning a Future War
Biblical prophecy mentions huge numbers of horses in end time battles. Is this just a figure of speech or is there something more to it? A secular video ...
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Controversy Surrounding Use of Autonomous Weapons
At a United Nations gathering, delegates from both Ukraine and Russia disagreed fiercely on how the meeting should proceed. But the gathering was not ...
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The Rise in End-of-the-World Films
The end is near, and it's coming to a theater near you, or right into your own living room. As of this writing (2024), over 400 end-of-the-world movies ...
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Company Offers Underground Disaster Shelters
Are you ready for the end of the world? If not, a company named Vivos can help you and your loved ones get prepared. The Vivos website says, "Whether ...
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