Sermon Illustrations about Arts
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Arts to help bring your sermon to life.
Where Is God Seen?
There will always be artists whose experience is not necessarily Christian but whose gifts, through common grace, enable them to tell as much truth as ...
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A Relucant Celebrity
One afternoon, Tish, a young mother in our church, had run out of ideas to keep her two children, Julie and Jonathon, busy. Then she remembered a sign ...
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The Descent of Man
Art is a reflection of a society's most profound aspirations. ... Cultures exalt their highest ideals. In the Middle Ages, it was the divine. For ...
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Following the Artist
A Christian, above all people, should live artistically, aesthetically, and creatively. We are supposed to be representing the Creator who is there, and ...
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The Gift of Art
Art is the gift and must be used for his glory. That in art is the highest which aims at this.
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An Angel Inside
I've read that Michelangelo, the great sculptor and painter, was pushing a heavy rock up a small incline to his work area so that he could do some ...
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Desensitized by Science
If I had my life to live over again, I would have made it a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week; for perhaps the part ...
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Art and Truth
Samuel Laeuchli argues that "art threatens individuals because it tends to unveil experiences which they have not been able to digest." Put ...
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