Sermon Illustrations about Assumptions
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Oregon Family Loses Direction, Experiences Tragedy
After spending Thanksgiving with family in Seattle, Washington, the Kim family began their long journey back to San Francisco on November 24, 2006. James ...
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Wealthy Investor Damages a Picasso
Throughout his life, Pablo Picasso is estimated to have produced about 13,500 paintings or designs, 100,000 prints or engravings, 34,000 book illustrations, ...
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Famous Atheist Unable to Completely Rule Out God
Biologist Richard Dawkins, a vocal atheist and critic of organized religion, inadvertently revealed the lack of certainty that must accompany all denials ...
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World's Largest Donation Viewed as Path to Heaven
In June of 2006, Warren Buffet, the world's second-richest man at the time, announced that he would donate 85 percent of his $44 billion fortune to ...
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Famous Author Experiences Generosity
Sebastian Junger is author of The Perfect Storm and A Death in Belmont. Long before he became a famous writer, however, he decided to hitchhike his way ...
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The Gospel Can't Be Force-Fed
Author Kevin Harney tells the following story in his book Seismic Shifts:
It was a battle. A wrestling match. A test of wills. Every day, at exactly the ...
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Augustine on Human Blindness
The very limit of human blindness is to glory in being blind.
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Humanitarian Aid Changes Muslim Minds
According to a poll conducted in January 2006 by the Terror Free Tomorrow organization, humanitarian aid is a very effective way to improve how Muslim ...
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Thrown Brick Gets Executive's Attention
As Josh was sailing down a Chicago neighborhood street in his two-month-old, 12-cylinder Jaguar XKE, a brick sailed through the air and struck its shiny, ...
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The Danger of "Hydraulic Fluid" Holiness
There was quite a mix-up at the Duke University Hospitals in Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina. Sometime in November 2004, maintenance workers had drained ...
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