Sermon Illustrations about Assurance
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Assurance to help bring your sermon to life.
The Spike in Google Searches for Hope
For the past five years, one of the most searched terms on Google has been “hope.” It has outpaced searches for political upheavals, technological ...
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40% of Evangelicals Say the Dead Have Visited Them
In the summer of 2023, Heather Beville felt something she hadn’t in a long time: a hug from her sister Jessica, who died at age 30 from cancer. ...
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Humdrum Hallelujah
In an issue of CT magazine, Megan Hill tells her unremarkable conversion story which initially left her with doubts of its genuineness.
Megan has no memory ...
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Why Do Grieving People See Ghosts?
Why do people believe they have seen ghosts? Research suggests that the brain may summon spirits as a means of coping with trauma, especially the pain ...
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Man Stranded at Airport Becomes an Answer to Prayer
Peter Greig writes in How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People:
I was stranded in Chicago. All airplanes have been grounded by the eruption of an ...
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God Knows Us Each by Name
Within its first year, a dolphin develops a unique signature whistle which is the equivalent of its name; it uses this to identify itself to other dolphins. ...
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The Rich and Famous Are Searching for Acceptance
Some of the most insightful secular writers of our time have pointed out that a lot of our drive in life, and a lot of our angst and dysfunction, goes ...
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2020’s Most-Read Bible Verse
During the hardest moments of a particularly difficult year, Bible searches soared online, and a record number of people turned to Scripture for passages ...
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Writer Searches for Reassurance During Pandemic
Stressed out by the overwhelming events caused by the coronavirus in her city, New York City resident Gabrielle Bellot has a thirst for reassurance that ...
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Safe Deposit Boxes Aren’t Safe
Philip Poniz needed a well-protected place to stash his collection of rare watches. He had been gathering unusual pieces since he was a teenager and he ...
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