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Sermon Illustrations about Atonement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Atonement to help bring your sermon to life.

A Demonstration of Christ's Love

Ron Rand writes in For Fathers Who Aren't in Heaven: "Michael usually takes his family out each week to see a movie or sports event. When they ...

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Example or Sacrifice?

If Christ is an example, nobody needs him; but if he's a sacrifice, everyone does.

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Transfer of Accounts

Years ago when I was a young banker, we used big leather ledgers where all accounts were entered by hand. I remember daydreaming about those ledgers and ...

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The Gospel Is Love

When we preach atonement, it is atonement planned by love, provided by love, given by love, finished by love, necessitated because of love. When we preach ...

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Christ's Blood, Not Ours

When I was 5 years old, before factory-installed seat belts and automobile air bags, my family was driving home at night on a two-lane country road. I ...

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A Sacrifice at Auschwitz

In A Book of Saints, Anne Gordon tells the story of Father Maximilian Kolbe, who was a prisoner at Auschwitz in August 1941. A prisoner escaped from the ...

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God in the Line of Fire

In the 1993 hit film In the Line of Fire, Clint Eastwood played Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan. Horrigan had protected the life of the President ...

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Taking the Sting

A boy and his father were driving down a country road on a beautiful spring afternoon, when a bumblebee flew in the car window. The little boy, who was ...

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How Splendid the Cross

How splendid the cross of Christ!

It brings life, not death;

light, not darkness;

Paradise, not its loss.

It is the wood on which

the Lord, like a great warrior,

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Saved from Ourselves

Christ died to save us, not from suffering, but from ourselves; not from injustice, far less from justice, but from being unjust. He died that we might ...

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