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Sermon Illustrations about Atonement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Atonement to help bring your sermon to life.

The Cross Was the Epitaph of Jesus

Epitaphs are a powerful thing. What is said about us when we die is a window into how we lived our lives and what we think was most important. Ludolph ...

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The Victoria Cross Is Given for Acts of Self-Sacrifice

In his book (Re)union, Bruxy Cavey writes:

The Victoria Cross is Canada's highest military honor, similar to the Medal of Honor in the United States. ...

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Navy Sailor Chose to Save Others

On June 17, 2017 the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Fitzgerald collided with a Philippine-flagged container ship 56 miles off the coast of Japan. But one of ...

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Man Attempts to Escape Arrest with Monopoly Playing Card

When playing the game of Monopoly, one of the best cards to have is the famous "Get Out of Jail Free" card—but when you're playing ...

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Child's Gift Made Acceptable by the Provision of His Father

Once upon a time, there was a king who looked from his palace window and saw one of his children collecting flowers in a distant field. The king watched ...

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Man Receives $100 Million Utility Bill

Utility bills can cause unwelcome surprises from time to time, but "unwelcome" might be a less sufficient description for one man than "impossible." ...

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North Korean Escapes Internment Camp Through Friend's Sacrifice

In 2005, Shin Dong-hyuk, became the only person to ever escape from a "total-control zone" internment camp in North Korea and live to tell the ...

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The Crucifixion of Jesus Is Unique Among Famous Deaths

There have been many famous deaths in world history; we might think of John F. Kennedy, or Marie Antoinette, or Cleopatra, but we do not refer to "the ...

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Why Can't God Just Forgive Our Debt of Sin?

Why can't God just forgive the debt of sin? If our Creator was truly generous, couldn't he just move on without repayment? Live and let live? ...

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Murdered Florida Priest Appeals For Killer From Beyond The Grave

A Florida priest murdered in 2016 appealed from beyond the grave for his alleged killer to be shown mercy, reports the BBC. In a letter written 22 years ...

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