Sermon Illustrations about Attention
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attention to help bring your sermon to life.
Researchers Identify the Tyranny of Too Many Choices
A number of recent books and articles have noted the explosion of choices that we face in many facets of our lives. Consider the following examples:
- In 2024, the average American supermarket carried up to 60,000 items, more than five times the number of items in 1975.
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Young Boy Feels the Pain of His Father's Emotional Absence
Steve Smith writes in “The Jesus Life”:
One of the deepest memories I have of my father is when we would have breakfast together. We'd ...
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Author Asks If 'We' Are Present during the Lord's Supper
In the [distracted] digital age, it may be the case that the classical debates about the presence of Jesus Christ in the [Lord's Supper] have been ...
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Puzzle Shows Our Need to Slow Down and Pay Attention
In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, the Nobel Prize winning economist Daniel Kahneman uses a simple puzzle to show the importance of slowing down and ...
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Husband Drives Away and Forgets His Wife
The story, published in a British newspaper, began with the following sentence: "Heartfelt commiseration to Dorothy Naylor of Plymouth, whose recent ...
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How Billy Graham Treated a Student with Respect
When evangelist Billy Graham was in the prime of fame and influence, author Gordon MacDonald was an unknown student in seminary. Yet one day MacDonald ...
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Photojournalist Decides It's Time to Focus on Family
For sixteen years, Lo Scalzo served as a photojournalist for U.S. News and World Report. He covered assignments in more than 60 countries, winning countless ...
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Winning a Son's Heart
In his book The Masculine Mandate, pastor and author Richard D. Phillips writes of his meaningful relationship with his father. In 1972, Phillips was ...
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The Story Behind an Odd Contract Demand from Rock Band Van Halen
Many of us have heard about some of the outlandish demands made by music celebrities in their contracts with concert promoters. One of the most notorious ...
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The Importance of Knowing Heresy
In The Story of Christian Theology, theologian Roger Olson writes:
A popular misconception—perhaps a Christian urban legend—is that the United ...
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