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Sermon Illustrations about Attitude

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attitude to help bring your sermon to life.

Happiness Is Contagious

Whoever is happy will make others happy, too.

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A Nation Built on Hope

This nation was built by the power of hope. No painter ever set brush to canvas, no writer ever set pen to paper, no builder ever set brick on brick, ...

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Beauty of Character

While many would not hesitate to say that great beauty is the characteristic that makes most women outstanding, several experts on the subject tend to ...

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A Pat on the Back

A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae away from a kick in the pants, but it's miles ahead in terms of results.

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True Intimacy

The ability to give to another without resentment and in turn receive from that other without embarrassment is what intimacy is all about.

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Women in Tune with God

Even the woman who is in tune with God's leading will struggle to maintain a balanced life. There are going to be times when each of us is out of ...

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Opposites Aid Growth

God put the opposites of his creation together for a reason. He knew that out of a man's and woman's differences, growth would take place. When ...

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In Sickness or in Health

I took you, love,

In sickness or in heath,

For better or for worse.

And now I live my promise out. ...

The promises we made

Hold and support us both.

We are ...

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Put Together by God

Like a tree,

I cannot move my roots,

for yours are intertwined among them.

Let us both be strong in God,

yet weak enough to draw from each other.

We are not ...

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We Live by Faith

I still don't understand, nearly 10 years later. At least I don't understand why the Lord allowed my sons to be afflicted with infantile bilateral ...

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