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Sermon Illustrations about Attributes of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attributes of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Tony Blair Defends God's Goodness

As many in Britain have reflected on the life and leadership of Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997–2007), stories have ...

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Don't Chart God on a Grid

I like that scene in the movie Dead Poets Society in which Mr. Keating, an English instructor at an elite preparatory school, asks his students to rip ...

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Our Trinitarian Personhood

In his book Ministry in the Image of God, Stephen Seamands writes about the relational side of our personhood, which reflects the Trinitarian nature of ...

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Signs of the Trinity

Self-giving love is the Trinity's signature.

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St. Augustine on the Vastness of the Trinity

Shortly after [St. Augustine had finished his theological tome On the Trinity], he was walking along the Mediterranean shore on the coast of North Africa ...

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"God Is a Party, and You're Invited"

Perhaps the best analogy for the Trinity is a time when you experienced a community of love. Maybe a family when it was at its most healthy and loving. ...

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God on Trial

It is not uncommon for people to shake their fists at God in the midst of tragedy and suffering. The Bible includes the stories of righteous men who questioned ...

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Atheist Richard Dawkins on the Christian Idea of God

After the publication of his book The God Delusion, outspoken atheist and Oxford professor Richard Dawkins sat down with the editors of TIME magazine ...

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Yancey on the Vast Nature of the Universe

The vastness of our universe allows us a glimpse of the might and majesty of our Creator. Philip Yancey gives the following description to help us appreciate ...

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Donald Miller Realizes the Selfishness of His Gift

In his book Blue Like Jazz, Donald Miller writes about a Christmas Eve when his view of God was changed, and how that affected his perspective on everything ...

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